Every repair is a custom work of art, made and blended for your application only.
Bethany, CT 06524203-823-8224
As medical exam tables and chairs are used and cleaned repeatedly, the vinyl can start to crack and break down. Health code requires that all tables be kept in good shape (no cracking) to reduce bacteria and germs from breeding in the broken down vinyl.
If you are having any issues with holes, cracking or you wish to update the look of your office Leathersmith CT, LLC can save your office money by reupholstering what you have in lieu of buying all new tables from the manufacturers.
We work on:
Medical Exam Tables
Dental Chairs
Medical Stools
Chiropractic tables
Massage Tables
Physical Therapy Tables
We only use the finest medical grade, wear resistant and antimicrobial vinyls. This material is easy to clean and disinfect. Please contact us for a free price quote and let us know how many pieces you need worked on and what the make/model of the piece is.
Email us for a free estimate at leathersmithct@yahoo.com and send us some photos of the whole piece and ones of the damages.
Reupholstered exam tables, stools and side chairs in medical vinyl.